REVIEW: My Creative Bible!

*I do not own any of the photos shown*

   I recently received the My Creative Bible as a valentines day gift, after it was recommended to me by a friend. Prices range from store-to-store, but I found that Hobby Lobby has the best price at $23. The Bible is full of beautiful illustrations that you can color. I have been using Crayola pencils to color my pages, and have had no problems. The font size is great, and the pages are thick enough so that they will not tear. One of my favorite things about this Bible is the gorgeous designs on the side. This Bible comes in four different colors: Aqua Hardcover (my version), pink lux-leather, silky floral, and brown lux-leather. There's a design for everyone! Overall I am absolutely in love with this Bible, and I hope this short review helped you!

- Beautiful illustrations
- Plenty of margin space for notes
- Thick pages
- Plenty of color options
- Coloring helps with focus
- Helps strengthen relationship with Christ

- Slightly large bible
- A bit expensive

God Bless!,+Low_00000000&2sid=Google_&sourceId=PLGoP79700&gclid=CjwKCAiAt8TUBRAKEiwAOI9pAOWSgklDemhC-IpVglIsmt_TJz2pCgkeQLzdN9JNUQcT05dnBdvsiRoCMuUQAvD_BwE


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